Starting out in computer science
Job: Computer scientist
Educational background: Bachelor’s in computer science from the University of the Pacific (2015).
Shoga has been preparing for a career at the Laboratory for several years. She was a summer intern for two years and would work part time during the school year before joining the Laboratory as a full-time employee in 2015. Shoga, a computer scientist in the Computation Directorate, currently works for Livermore Computing in the Information Management, Graphics and Security Group. She came to the Lab as an intern after participating in Team Venus, the first all-women team to compete in the Student Cluster Challenge at the Supercomputing Conference (SC). “I was interested in working in high performance computing after my experiences at SC and decided that I wanted to work for the Lab after I graduated,” she said.
“I love being able to work on new things and work with fantastic people from different teams and groups and even people outside of the Lab.”
Shoga’s work at the Lab includes Linux kernel coding and software tool development. She is working on the Livermore Computing Monitoring project. She has a large role in setting up and deploying the monitoring infrastructure to multiple LC clusters, administering the database and connecting the two to collect system and application performance data for subsequent analysis. She also is part of the ProTools team working on utilities for understanding memory use within large applications. “I love being able to work on new things and work with fantastic people from different teams and groups and even people outside of the Lab,” Shoga said.
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