The head of each independent National Laboratory is the Laboratory Director. Together, the Directors form the National Laboratory Directors’ Council (NLDC), an independent body that coordinates initiatives and advises the Department of Energy and other Laboratory stakeholders.
Senior Executives at each independent National Laboratory also coordinate with their peers in subcommittees of the NLDC. For example, the Laboratory Chief Operating Officers form the NLCOO.
The Directors’ Council’s committees connect the senior leadership of the Laboratories.
NLDC – The National Laboratory Directors
The Directors of the National Laboratories
NLCRO – The Chief Research Officers
The CROs of the National Laboratories
NLCOO – The Chief Operating Officers
The COOs of the National Laboratories
NLCIO – The Chief Information Officers
The CIOs of the National Laboratories
NLCFO – The Chief Financial Officers
The CFOs of the National Laboratories
NLCHRO – The Chief Human Resources Officers
The CHROs of the National Laboratories
NLED – The Education Directors
The Education Directors of the National Laboratories
NLESHD – The Environment, Safety and Health Directors
The ESHDs of the National Laboratories
NLGC – The General Counsels
The GCs of the National Laboratories
NLTT – The Technology Transfer Directors
The TT Directors of the National Laboratories
NLCCO – The Chief Communications Officers
The CCOs of the National Laboratories